Saturday, February 28, 2009

Ode to a Ninja, from a Pirate

Ya see Darren’s lawyer’s new photo? Now that’s what I’m talking about. Some men look better when they get older. David Wotherspoon is looking more like a ninja every day. He’s got that Richard Gere corporate assassin look. Of all the lawyers that have been in my grill this one has lasted the longest. All the others are ashes under the souls of my feet. It’s the age old adage he that shall sue thee by the law shall be cursed by the law.

But this ninja keeps on ticking. Maybe it’s because he doesn’t have small man syndrome. All the other boy scouts would over reach and make ridiculous threats they had no legal ability to enforce. They’d end up getting their a*s kicked and made fools of themselves. When people are angry they will run to the lawyer that tells them what they want to hear and be led down the garden path of costly frivolous applications.

Not the mighty Ninja David Whotherspoon from the biggest firm I’ve ever seen not to mention gone up against. He seems to know what he can do and what he can’t do and he seems to know who he can con and who he can’t con. Like my father always used to say, you can’t con a con. Peace.

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